17th International Conference in Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR)
DAVeMoS had the honour to host the 17th International Triennial Conference on Travel Behavior Research (IATBR) conference.
IATBR is an international organization of scholars, researchers, practitioners, consultants, and public agency professionals dedicated to the advancement of travel behaviour research. The triennial conference of the association started from a meeting in South Berwick, Maine, USA, in 1973.
This year, conference was held on 14-18 July 2024 in Vienna, Austria. The theme of the conference was "Transformative Travel Behaviour Research - Looking beyond Back-to-Normal"
The conference received 512 registrations from 42 countries, 353 presentations (from more than 600 extended abstract submissions) on 14 different topics. The papers were organised into 96 parallel sessions. During this conference 8 workshops and 2 special events also organised. This conference is organised as an eco-event.
Day 1: 14 July 2024
On Day 1, the IATBR conference was kicked off with welcome reception which was well attended.

Day 2: 15 July 2024
We started Day 2 with welcoming speech from the Austrian Federal Minister for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation, and Technology, Minister Leonore Gewessler. This was followed by an inspiring opening speech from Prof. Gerd Sammer. In the afternoon plenary session, Prof. Chandra Bhat from the University of Texas at Austin captivated us with his talk on "A unified approach to teasing out causal relationships in travel behavior analysis." We closed today's conference with a special tribute event to the late Prof. Ilan Salomon.

Day 3: 16 July 2024
Day 3 was started with an insightful plenary session by Prof. Sonja Haustein on 'Behavior Change in Transport – A Psychological Perspective.' The day continued with the announcement of the Eric Pas Award winners 2021 and 2022, Jason Hawkins and Shobhit Saxena.
The evening highlight was the welcome dinner at the stunning Rathaus building, Vienna's city hall. During the dinner, the IATBR board presented the Lifetime Achievement Award to Prof. Kay Axhausen and Prof. Hani Mahmassani for their exceptional dedications and contributions to the transport field, especially travel behavior.

Day 4: 17 July 2024
Day 4 began with presentations from our two Lifetime Achievement Award recipients, Prof. Kay Axhausen and Prof. Hani Mahmassani. In the afternoon plenary session, Prof. Mei-Po Kwan from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, captivated us with her presentation on "Advanced Geospatial Technologies and Methods for Human Mobility and Health Research." What made Day 4 truly special were the 14 excursions to various intriguing locations. These included not only transport-related sites but also beautiful museums around Vienna, and even a city bike tour. The day concluded with a farewell dinner at Luftburg im Prater, enjoying the outdoor atmosphere at Vienna's finest amusement park.

Day 5: 18 July 2024
Day 5 started with a keynote speaker from Professor Martin Raubal about “Supporting sustainable mobility behavior through spatial data analytics”. On later part of the day, the leader/representative from 8 workshops reported their activities results. Alex Erath also reported the inauguration of the European Association for Activity-Based Modelling (EAABM) which took place during the conference. The conference is closed by the Chair and the Secretary of IATBR, Charisma Choudhury and Giovanni Circella, Emily Moylan presented the new conference venue in 2027, i.e. Sydney, Australia.
Thank you very much to all who have took part in IATBR 2024. Good luck to the next host, UNSW, Sydney, Australia, Prof. Taha Rashidi!

Post Conference
As a part of IATBR 2024 post-conference publications, 11 special issues have prepared. The call for these special issues can be found in the respected link below.
Transportation Research part A: Policy and Practice, with Taha Rashidi (University of New South Wales) as the lead guest editor
Transportation Research part B: Methodological, with Abdul Rawoof Pinjari (Indian Institute of Science) as the lead guest editor
Transportation, with Prateek Bansal (National University of Singapore) as the lead guest editor
Journal of Transport Geography, with Juan Antonio Carrasco (University of Conception) as the lead guest editor
Transportation Letters, with Konstadinos G. Goulias (UC St. Barbara) as the lead guest editor
Journal Transport and Health, with Patrick Singleton (Utah State University) as the lead guest editor
Journal of Choice Modelling, with Chiara Calastri (University of Leeds) as the lead guest editor
European Transport Research Review, with Miloš Mladenović (Aalto University) as the lead guest editor
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, with Maarten Kroesen (Delft University of Technology) as the lead guest editor
Travel Behaviour and Society, with Makoto Chikaraishi (Hiroshima University) as the lead guest editor
Transportation Planning and Technology, with Khandker Nurul Habib (University of Toronto) as the lead guest editor
The conference dedicated website was: www.iatbr2024.org
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: iatbr2024@boku.ac.at